I'm a stay-at-home-mom now. Who woulda thunk it? I start work at around 8am and punch out between 8 and 9pm. Kids go to bed later here (a typical family dinner isn't until 10pm) and O doesn't usually come home before 7 so we pushed Rio's bedtime back an hour. She gets to see her daddy, which is nice, but I find I go to bed later because I need time to unwind once she's asleep. Oh well.
Friends, this is what Rio has been up to the past few days:
Post-Bathtime Photo Shoot
(Note Hermès towel - merci Auntie Sana!)
Our new friends Fiona and Ismene at the English playgroup on Tuesdays in Palma. (I have a friend!!!)
Afterward we had lunch at Fiona's with her Norwegian friend Ida and her son Sapp. (I have two friends!!!)
And of course, my daily constitutional. The weather has been gorgeous, especially today. I was wearing a sweatshirt and was boiling in the sun. The air is full of birdsong and the honey smell of almond blossoms. I truly love it here. If they'll have us, I'll stay until the end of my days.
You know it's spring when the oranges drop off the trees. I wonder if lemons do, too.
There is a breathtaking grove of Holm oaks just down the road from our house. I think it's actually on land owned by Camper, at their compound Son Forteza. They make me dream...
A bedtime story. Speaking of bedtime, my pillow is calling me. xo